San Lucas Island – Costa Rica

San Lucas Island is located near Puntarenas in the Gulf of Nicoya. It provides a very protected bay perfect to anchor and which we had entirely for ourselves. Howler monkeys can be heard at dawn and again at sunrise. It’s a beautiful island with a green, lush vegetation. A half hour hike leads one across the island to the other side.

Beautiful hikes at San Lucas Island

It was only during the day were a few boats with visitors arrived, who wanted to explore the brutal prison that was operated here until 1991. Only the worst prisoners were incarcerated here. The cell rooms are now empty with plenty of evidence about the brutality shown in many gratifies.

Walkway from dock to the prison

Despite the brutal history of the prison, San Lucas Island is one beautiful place with luscious green trees and bushes and several hiking trails.

Cell Block at San Lucas Prison

The prisoner Jose Leon Sanchez, claimed to be innocent of the robbery he was convicted, wrote the book La Isla de Hombres Solos about his time in this prison.

San Lucas Prison Court
Welcome to San Lucas Island

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